ABOUT Re.Plastic - REplacing, REducing, REcycing & REusing It!

India played host to the World Environment Day 2018 celebrations on June 5th with the theme "Beat Plastic Pollution" and multiple single-use plastic bans are in place or in the works across the country and the globe.

Even this year's Earth Day, celebrated on April 22, 2018 was themed to "End Plastic Pollution."

The planet and the environment are being choked by plastic and we are figuratively drowning in plastic on land, sea and sky. We need to cut back. And stop it now.

Yet it's not easy de-plastic-ing our lives so here's a blog and a nascent index of articles, products and individuals who are all about Re.Plastic  - REplacing, REducing, REcycing & REusing It!

It's exciting times ahead with the Ocean Cleanup envisioned by youngster Boyan Slat testing its prototype that will clean the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

The Environmentalist Foundation of India organized a massive coordinated cleanup effort across cities in the lead up to World Environment Day 2018. They again partnered with The Hindu and organized the Chennai Beach Cleanup on June 24th and collected some 9 tonnes of waste across the beaches of my hometown.
Meanwhile through the Friends of Chennai, another The Hindu associated organization collected plastic waste for a week across the city for a week.
We are discovering plastic eating worms, our IITans are developing indigenous technology to make oil from waste plastic and so much more.

So what this blog seeks to do is bring together all such news, people, articles, companies, activities, and products that will help one Re.plastic!

Re.plastic Event to Remember in July 2018 in Chennai - the Wave - Art Installation at Alliance Francaise de Chennai on July 15, 2018 using blue and white plastics by Parvathi Nayar. You can bring your blue and white plastic waste and be part of this exercise.

Re.plastic Action that's global: The Story of Stuff #BreakFreeFromPlastic pledge for a Plastic Free July:
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