Plastics Treaty and Recycling Fraternity: Thinking Beyond Global Recycling Day

 The theme for Global Recycling Day 2022 was Recycling Fraternity. This March 18th a little more than a fortnight after the 5th UN Environment Assembly saw the decision of the international community to work on a Global Plastic Treaty to address the plastics problem is a major win for environmentalism amid international conflict.  

Even as news of the research and data showing that we are reaching planetary limits on chemical pollution vies for attention amid war coverage, the good news that we can look forward to a plastics treaty in less than three years is a silver lining. 

We need urgent action in all parts of the plastics cycle to tackle the global plastics pollution problem that also causes chemical pollution as well as worsening the climate crisis as the basis of the plastics industry is the petrochemical industry. 

In the face of the plastics tsunami, the world needs to come together and partnerships needs to be put in place to tackle the crisis by curbing production and ramping up recycling while checking leakage as we adopt the Reduce-Reuse-Repair-Recycle model. 

Every part of the planet is harmed and changed by plastics. The irresponsibility of using a near indestructible material for single-use is adversely affecting all our lives, that of all living beings and that of future generations. Responsible Consumption and Production, SDG12, urgently must be the guiding principle when it comes to plastics.

Let us use this season to work towards tackling the plastics problem by coming together to find solutions and actions that are adopted beyond just Recycling Day, Earth Day or Environment Day. 
